Average Hourly CPA Fees Per State

$55 a month for a tax professional subscription? You might think that’s insane.


Way too expensive.

But let’s reconsider this from a different angle.

Imagine you’re sitting down with a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), watching as they analyze your previous tax returns and your not-so-updated bookkeeping. It’s a relief to have an expert handle it, but then you get the bill.

Over $100 for just one hour of service.

Suddenly, that $55 a month doesn’t seem so outrageous, does it?

With Tax Expert Now, you get:

  • Unlimited chats with tax professionals

  • Your tax questions answered in minutes

  • On-call assistance in tax filing, estate taxes, IRS questions, business accounting, and more

  • 24/7 service

And when you’re done, just cancel anytime!

Are you still unsure about the price?

Let’s talk about CPA fees in your state.

You’re about to find out what CPAs charge in your state by using our CPA Fees Tool


  1. Use the first dropdown to select your state. You might need to scroll down to get to the bottom states.

  2. Use the second dropdown to select the CPA service that you’re interested in. Be ready to scroll down again to find your CPA service.

  3. Click on the “Get CPA Average Hourly Fee” button to get the amount of money that you pay for CPA services in your state.